Some Spooktacular Halloween History!


Tomorrow’s Halloween, the one day a year where you can wear the scariest or silliest costumes outside and look (fairly) normal! Many people celebrate Halloween, but not a lot know about the origins of the fun celebration. Why do we celebrate Halloween? How did the fun traditions we know today evolve over time? And why is it even called Halloween? Read more to find out!

So, what are the origins on Halloween?

Halloween’s origins date back to an ancient festival celebrated by the Celts (the largest single group of these people were from Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Cornwall) over 2,000 years ago called “Samhain”, according the The World Book Encyclopedia. During this celebratory time, the Celts believed the dead would walk among the living and visiting the deceased was possible.

How did costumes, candy and trick-or-treating come about?

Some sources claim that the Celtic people would often wear ghoulish costumes to keep spirits away, making them mistake them for other spirits, while other Celts offered spirits sweets.

A witch on a broomstick, flying away from a big, crooked house during a full moon and fog.

During the medieval period, the Catholic Church (despite it conflicting with Bible teachings) adopted these pagan customs and church members went from house to house wearing costumes and asking for small gifts. Creatures like ghosts, vampires, werewolves, witches or zombies are popular costumes to wear, since they’re all connected to evil, the spirit world or the supernatural.

A Pumpkin Jack-O'-Lantern glowing in the foreground with a graveyard full of crosses in the background and a creepy mansion lit up behind it.

Halloween Jack-O’-Lanterns originated in medieval Britain, where dressed-up halloween celebrators would go door-to-door asking for food in return for prayer for the dead and a hollowed out turnip with a candle inside, representing a soul in a purgatory. According to some sources, these lanterns warded off evil spirits. In 1800’s America, more available and easy to carve pumpkins replaced turnips, and that’s how Jack-O’-Lanterns came to be.

A glowing pumpkin Jack-O'-Lantern

Why do we call it ‘Halloween’?

Samhain, the Celtic festival which halloween originates from, means “summer’s end”. It marked the start of the dark winter season and was celebrated around 1st November. Around the years 700-800 A.D. the Christian Church established All Saints’ Day, also called All Hallows’ (also meaning “saint” or “one who is holy”). The evening before this event was known as All Hallows’ Eve or, when abbreviated, All Hallow’een, later becoming the celebration we know today as “Halloween”.

6 seperate images of Halloween-related things: a crooked, dark house, a witches hat, a green zombie hand reaching out from the ground beneath, a bat, a carved pumpking Jack-O'-Lantern and a black cat.

The history of this annual tradition is really interesting, especially considering that it’s over 2,000 years old! Halloween is an old celebration with a seriously spooky origin story.

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Halloween Masks to Help Shape Your Halloween


This time of year can either be a feeling of excitement or pure fright, with a lot more work to do for some, we have made things much easier for you and your families with these mask cut outs this Halloween. I am sure you are just as excited as we are with these cut-outs. These Halloween Masks for adults and kids will give you and/or your kids something to look forward to doing when spending time together. These cut outs you are guaranteed to save you some money, as well as enjoy these thrilling times together.

Squid Game
Squid Game
Squid Game

With this year’s most talked about thriller show on Netflix ‘Squid Game’, we are offering you masks to match up with your friends. You can even take turns wearing them. This K-Drama has taken a toll on everyone who has watched it and if you have not yet watched it then I recommend that you do! The Squid Game masks will probably be making it to this year’s best Halloween masks list. So if you are into setting trends, try on these masks!

We offer different printing paper paired with the best quality Ink to print out in. You can use an Inkjet Printer or print these out in a library if you don’t have a printer. This could help save you money as printing isn’t something everyone does every day unless they work in an office. If you do not know which paper to print with than I recommend buying regular A4 paper from our website. If you do decide to do this than make sure to stick it onto cardboard so that it is impenetrable.

Here is a list of things that you need and a how-to for these masks:

  1. Scissors -Please use Scissors sensibly and make sure you have an adult with you.
  2. Any Paper (Preferably A4 Paper)
  3. A printer
  4. A hole puncher or you can punch holes with the scissors
  5. A string or a rubber band

First thing to do is to print these images and make sure they fit around your face. Once done, punch holes on the side of the mask as well as the eyes. Attach the string to the side of the mask and voila! Your Squid Game reality has come to life. I hope you and your families enjoy putting together these masks and I hope you all have fun this Halloween.