Compatibles on the rise?


I believe we can all agree that for the past few months/year has changed us all with the pandemic, many have been in their struggles. Looking for new Jobs has been one of the most difficult missions for many. The outcomes for these struggles was to cut down on spending and opt for more of a remanufactured approach. Almost over 300,000 people alone in the UK have been under the same boat. This meant that many of these individuals and businesses had to invest in more Ink and Paper to be able to complete their ordinary tasks at work. The majority found that buying compatibles saved more money, but was also a safer approach to the environment. Before we get into more detail about this particular subject, let us find out what the word ‘remanufactured’ even means.

Remanufacturing is the process in which parts go through the processes of separation, repairing and mending to restore a products functionality and quality. In the world of Inks and Toners, these are what we call ‘Compatibles’. There are many benefits for remanufactured items one of them being that there are reduced energy consumption that takes place, another being that there is reduced waste and lastly, you get more prints. Either way you are not only saving money but also you are saving the planet.


Research suggests 450,000 jobs could be available in the next 15 years if remanufactured items and reusing products were a priority. If you owned an original product, and it broke… your initial thought may be to bin it. That would create unnecessary waste and cause increased CO2 emissions from the energy it took to even make it. Whereas we now recycle these products rather than throwing them away and these are then made into compatibles. To be able to have jobs like repairing and refurbishing electronics takes skills. Many individuals are on the rise with their jobs because of this. Others have now found a common interest and formed a team to repair printers or make remanufactured products like Ink.

Buying Compatible Ink can benefit many people. It can cost a fraction of the cost of originals but it may not have the same quality as originals. Overall, if the UK is taking initiative and taking more action with manufacturers, there’d be greater improvement with jobs.