It’s Enterprise Week!

Enterprise Week Light Bulb (15th-21st November)

Starting tomorrow is Enterprise Week – the national celebration of enterprise, inspiring young people to turn their ideas into reality.

PremiumCompatibles and Enterprise Week

Young people are the future. It is important that in an increasingly difficult and competitive world we encourage them to make the most of opportunities they have and show them that they can achieve what they want. For example, at Premium Compatibles we support young people and are determined to make their lives easier by opening additional career opportunities.

Its important to us that young people are supported, as they are also the future for our industry. New paths are opening and changing all the time and the positive mind-set, new ways of thinking and another point of view is needed to keep us going.

We want to help in any way we can. We think we can assist young people in picking a suitable career and a stable job in our industry by informing them with posters, leaflets and other forms of conveying information. Furthermore, we think you can do the same!

How PremiumCompatibles Products Can Contribute to Your Enterprise Week

Try out our products. For example, print out engaging and interesting posters to interest young people in a career. Maybe you’re a local business looking for a new, young mind to join your team? Use our ink cartridges to bring out the eye-catching colours in your posters and add some liveliness to them! Maybe you’re a school trying to encourage your students to take an interest in different career paths? Use our printing facilities to print and hang up banners around your school. Students will definitely stop, notice and read them.

Our site and Current Offer!

Where to find the best products? Well, our website is filled with non-original products – and until Friday 25th November you can claim 4x points with any of them if you use our Coupon Code QRP1122!

If you would like to use this offer, check our site occasionally and follow our Social Media Accounts. Links are provided at the end of this Blog Post.

We’re always open for customers who have printer problems, need assistance or questions answered or want to buy something. We are also always very happy to help with anything you need and we encourage you to visit us! If you wish to contact us in any other way, you can phone us (our phone number is also given at the end of this Blog post) or get in touch with us here.

We really hope young people will be inspired this year’s enterprise week. Moreover, we also hope that this Blog post helped. Check back here next week for our next post!

Our Social Media Accounts: Twitter Facebook @PremiumComps

Address: 61 East Barnet Road, Barnet, EN4 8RN

Tel: 020 8216 5571